Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Week 19

Went to the doc for the another appointment today :) My blood pressure is 111/75, down over 40 points from my first month!! We are just about halfway there and can't believe it. Today I gained one pound, after losing 17 in the first four months. Doc says I will probably gain from here on out, but hopefully all belly. Here is a pic :)

She is sticking pretty high for now, her head above my belly button and I get some pretty bad headaches in the afternoons/evenings which isn't like me at all but they should subside in 3rd timester from what they say.
We think she has Mommy's legs because everything measured at 19 week normalcy, but her femur is about 19-20 weeks, so she may be thick like her mama...we know she has big feet and thick legs!
She weighs 9.9 ounces. We are sooo happy :)
Next appointment in one month, and thats when I get to drink the gallon of Orange powder to test for gestational diabletes, ugh :( Maybe I should start giving up my butterscotch sundaes...

I can't wait to hold her and kiss her!!! 19 week pic of our little ladybug....her left arm is above her head and she is just relaxing today, I only ate 3 sweet tarts so she held still for us...

These are my favorite, she is a kicker for sure, here is her foot kicking the camera :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

It's a Girl!!!!

After our ultrasound on March 16, and about 45 minutes of trying to get our little ladybug to turn from being breech, we had success!! Chris and I are expecting a precious baby girl on August 26, 2011.

We also had our first baby-in-belly check up and everything looks absolutely normal. She is still a bit tiny to see all of her heart, so we head back in 2 weeks to do some more bloodwork for mommy and double check her 4 chambers have formed correctly. During the ultrasound she wouldn't show us her face for about half of it because of her position, and when she finally looked right at the ultrasound the doctor froze the screen, and when they went back to "live" view, all we saw was this, a baby foot right in our view! So cute...she was telling us to leave her alone and let her suck her thumb, which was what she did most of the time she was being video-taped. Here's a clip of that, too. She seems a bit camera-shy, so she definitely gets that trait from Daddy!!

This past week, I definitely felt her move in my belly. At first I thought it was gas and then realized it was her! It just felt like a tiny flutter from belly button to my lower right side, but it was definitely baby and I have had a few since. It seems to be after a sugary sweet, and I don't miss a butterscotch sundae about 3 nights a week :) I also can officially NOT sleep on my tummy anymore, which is a bummer because that means very little sleep. Mom and Meemaw said I was a stomach sleeper from when I was a baby, so this may be a tough habit to break....

No makeup on this morning, and getting ready for our garage sale so I will have Papa Bear take a belly pic when I look more decent this weekend. Until then....