Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tummy Tickler: Week 13

So I snagged this idea from my cousin Sara and put my own twist on it.....This is the "Tummy Tickler", a following of our pregnancy every couple of weeks and milestones we meet.

13 weeks

LOVES me some Butterscotch over Vanilla Ice Cream every night, green peas with lotsa pepper and tuna sandwiches with mustard (in moderation of course).
However, if you cook popcorn in the microwave or I am around raw hamburger, I will throw up all over you and Chris's beer breath is enough to send me praying to the porcelain god asap.

Roller Coaster Emotions:
Poor Chris some days I tell you....I was cleaning this past weekend and started crying for absolutely no reason. "What's wrong?" he asks. I reply "Nothing. I don't know. Everything. I'm taking a shower".
Then I passed out on the couch and slept for 2 hours and woke up happy as a clam and made dinner.
Depending on the day, it could be a video on the CMT Top Country Countdown, or the fact that Ernie looks up at me with those puppy dog eyes that start the waterworks....

Weight Gain/Loss:
Down 12 pounds since we got pregnant, laying off the brews really does make a difference! Should start gaining here soon says the doc tho.

Tummy Ticklers:
An occasional flutter, light cramping the doc says it is "round ligament pain" or stretching of the uterus and common for a first baby. I pee 4 times a night at least, lots of burping and gas, and I eat prunes like an old lady to keep me regular. Too much information? :) It is feeling a little "weird" to lay flat on my tummy when sleeping, and I can't get comfy for the life of me.

Here is a pic of Daddy's hands on Mama and Baby in the shape of a heart.....nothing but love here in the Crain house <3

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